On being the only Dem candidate who voted against the PATRIOT Act (during a recent CNN Dem debate:
Kucinich: "That's because I read it!"
Also, he's the only one with the balls to call for the impeachment of Cheney et al. The questionable aspects of his character would probably be his slight 'koo-koo-ness'
Here's a quote from his friend Shirley McCalaine about his UFO sighting (yeah, WTF)
"The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for 10 minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind."
Then, there's his imperfect record as mayor of Cleveland (Cleveland went bankrupt during his time in mayoral office.)
So those factors, plus the fact that he's way too leftist/progressive for the now much more centrist (seeing as how the whole political sphere has shifted to the right) Dems means he has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming the Dem candidate, let alone POTUS.
In an attempt to not narrow my political education, I also watched a Republican debate. Well, tried to anyway. It was so hilarious to see each candidate try to outdo one another in claiming conservative records. "I'm more conservative!" "No, I am!" Foreign policy or health care? Who gives a shit! Ron Paul is the only ok-ish one out of the lot.
(To be fair, "Diamonds or pearls" was an asinine question for Hillary too.)
Still, Hillary or Obama over any of the Reps for sure.
hey looks like ur american politics class is coming along nicely
eh not really. This didn't really have anything to do with my class at all! haha. We'll only be talking about the 08 elections in the next week.
hey Sterling, email me ur US address. thanks!
i know hillary double-speaks sometimes, but i'll go for her anytime over rommey or that crazy rudy. truth is, there isn't really a strong rep candidate, they are all too realist! farking neo-cons!
funny thing is, i like john edwards too. he really has some good thoughts on the policies, esp domestic ones.
i find it strangely disconcerting obama did up a whole climate change plan to impress when the whole climate policy is really, really, really not up to presidential authority. only in the hands of the oil MNCs, seriously. but he's really a fine lad, isn't he? esp when he said he doesn't have a lust for office, which is totally bullshit.
so go hillary and her healthcare for everyone plan!
p.s. i think she's gonna lose in Iowa. Obama will win. But New Hamsphire is totally Hillary's for the taking, you bet! =)
Of course Hillary is better than the Reps., but who isn't? Romney/Huckabee/McCain *shudders*
Between the big Dem 3, I'd support Edwards. He's the most progressive and anti-corporation among them. Elizabeth Edwards is a great humanitarian too.
Hillary - same old same old, Hillary really is just slightly left of them really. She's too entrenched in the system. She's on the board of Walmart! for crissake! Walmart= EVIL!
Obama - missed voting in like half of the resolutions in the Senate, inc. the Iran one which he keeps kao-pehing Hillary about. don't WTF he was doing. Just didn't want to commit himself so he'd have a cleaner slate.
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