We met in Chinatown, and promptly proceeded to eat at 56 Mott Street (Still haven't caught the name, even though I've been there subsequent times!), a place which came highly recommended from Ronald and Aileen as having good and affordable Chinese food.
The funniest part of our day must have been our visit to the Chinese medical hall right opposite the restaurant after our meal. I had been looking for Chinese herbal cough/sore throat medication, and voila, there the store was! And in the end, both of us walked out with purchases of at least US$50, I think. Who've thought that we'd come all the way to NYC to hang out at a sinseh place and get Chinese medicine? Hilarious, really. Well, we thought so anyway. Anyway, Adel's medication apparently worked wonders! Alas, mine did not fare quite as well.

We didn't really take many (well, relative to some) pictures in our two days because all we basically did was walk around plenty. Also, Adel is not one to visit tourist trappings (you didn't see the Statue of Liberty et al, did you?). In fact, she's not one to see anything at all! My memory of October is fuzzy by now, but I distinctly remember that as we were walking up 5th Ave towards Central Park and chatting, I tried to point out various things around, like the NY Public Library, Saks, etc., because Adel was totally oblivious to everything around her, much to my bemusement. I remember remarking about this point, saying that it's as if we were merely just walking down Orchard Road for the zillionth time, to which she replied (paraphrasing somewhat here) that the company is much more important than the sights. And I do agree with her. It was really nice just strolling uptown and conversing with a good friend (and in cool weather!).
But Adel, now you know the next time you're here that there're nice public toilets right next to Grand Central at the Hyatt Hotel! :)
We did, as mentioned, walk around Central Park.

It was evening and time to head our separate ways soon, so we tried to search for a restaurant to have dinner nearby at in Time Out magazine. We settled on Southern Hospitality, a restaurant opened by Justin Timberlake, somewhere near 3rd and 76th. And we walked there. I know what you're thinking, and we made the same comments. How teeny-bopper of us to want to eat at some celeb vanity joint. But, the prices suited our budget, and it was sorta near.
Still, we were on the southern tip of the park, aka 50something street, so that was a twenty block walk. In the end, due to time constraints, we gave up halfway and settled on a Japanese restaurant along the way, and Adel gave me a birthday treat. Merci beaucoup! (Don't I sound like a pretentious twat with my random and tired French insertions? lol. I do know more than two phrases now though, seriously!) (Anyway, Ad, I walked part Southern Hospitality last week by chance. Didn't look atas at all. Look like a typical sports bar/restaurant, with TVs showing football, baseball, etc. Just thought you should know!)
One of the places we explored was the East Village, with its assortment of small, indie clothing boutiques (with astronomical prices), record shops and art galleries. Strangely, it was what I thought SoHo would be. But SoHo has since gone more generic-upscale, so the more artsy-but-still-pricy establishments moved eastwards.
In sharp-enough-to-pierce-through-10-Balenciaga-crocodile-skin-bags contrast to Ronald's couture hedonism, Adel shopped very little. I remember her buying something from the indie record shop, and a hippie-ish hairband thingie from Urban Outfitters from our two days. That was it. I, however, was looking for a pair of shades (The NY sun is seriously much more glaring than that of SG's. Ostensibly due to serious lack of cloud cover). So, I got Adel to accompany me to Century 21, which I recall Ronald saying is known for cheap designer lobangs (Must thank Ronald for doing all the NYC groundwork!).

Anyway, I ended up getting a pair of Kenneth Cole shades at US$15. Though it didn't come with a case, so I've had to carry it with extreme care inside my bag every time 'lest I break it. Lol.
Our plan was to head over to Ground Zero for a tour, as it's right across Century 21, but again it was raining, so that scuttled the plan (It was also raining when Ron, Aileen and I wanted to go. What's up with that?).
I believe we ended up just strolling around SoHo, which I much prefer to 5th Ave. The same labels, but without the crowds! [Outside of post context] Seriously, this past few weeks, every time I walk down 5th, there's a stampede. And at the flagship Abercrombie store on 5th and 56th, there are queues around the block everyday to get in. WTF! And it's not as if there was any blowout sale![/Outside of post context].
For our farewell dinner, we ended up at this small, dark and cozy pizza place in Greenwich.

Adel then went on to catch some live music (Happening!), before heading back to SG the next day, as I trudged back to school. 'Twas a fun time had by both of us for sure though! Miss ya lots, Ad! xoxo. haha.
wah lau *jealous*
hey Sterling, thanks for your polar bear postcard! i received it before Christmas. Have some faith in US Postal Service. Happy 2008! Think this year will be very challenging and exciting for you. Glad that so many friends are visiting you. Guess you won't be so lonely eh? Btw, think that animal is a raccoon. @_@
loosen up! couture hedonism? that's a first.
i didn't shop in the boutiques on fifth. i took a 1-hr coach ride out of manhattan and went upstate to central valley to shop at the outlets. how's that for hedonism, really?
and fcuk is hardly couture.
and show me pictures of ground zero rubble when it's really not raining!!!
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