Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Status Update

For the two people out there who might be curious about how my life has been going.

Spring Break plans: Boston, Montreal, Quebec, Vermont in an intense 10-12 days.

I'm currently doing an internship at Decca Label Group, a label under the Universal Music Umbrella, in the Sales dept every Friday. It's pretty awesome as I get to geek out over chart stats.

Otherwise, life has been pretty mundane. Somehow not as motivated to study as last semester (not that that was a high level of motivation anyway!). Haha. Still taking French and environment econs, but I've finished my American politics class and am now taking a Asian Studies class on China (specifically, Manchuria) in the 20th century (almost had no choice but to take this class after I was bumped of my choices during both rounds of selection! Bah.).


Ong M.Y said...

Sterling darling,
How was ur Chinese New Year?
Seems that u are having quite a eye-opener in USA. Time to cash out my angbao since the SG dollar is going strong. Update ur blog more often, i believe u have more pics than this, you cam-whore!

ronaldisthewan said...

why an internship? part of the curriculum i suppose? counting over stats? i can so imagine you doing that. counting chart sales et al. like steve carrell in the office! lol.

the only living boy in new york said...

My CNY was uneventful, lol. Went to Chinatown on the fifth day or something to catch a parade. That was all. And bought bak kwa! Otherwise, nothing else.

Ron, no, I wanted to do an internship, and i had fridays free, so I looked for one, and managed to get this one!

jada said...

are you back from your hols yet? update pls!

the only living boy in new york said...

yeah back while liao. yeah, am in the process of updating. haha, the typical blogging san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4 thingie has struck me....