Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Political Orientation, circa 2009

Did this quiz on political orientation on this website, Turns out I'm pretty much as far left as one can get without being a commie, and quite a libertarian to boot.

Basically, the X-axis represents the economic spectrum (from pure communism on the left to pure neo-liberalism on the right) while the Y-axis represents the social spectrum (from totalitarianism/facism on the top to revolutionary anarchism at the bottom). What this quiz does well is that it clarifies the sometimes vague labels of "Left" or "Right" that we associate with people. For example, as the website explains, Stalin and Hitler were both all about totalitarian police states, putting them at the top of the Y-axis, but the former, obviously, was a Communist whereas the latter did believe in markets. So dictators both were, but on opposite ends of the economic ideological spectrum.

As of August 2009 then, I'm your typical bleeding heart liberal. But that's probably because I haven't entered the working world yet. Perhaps when I have to start dealing with taxes and money issues in general, I'll start moving towards the right. We'll see!

You can find out where you stand by taking a test here --> It's a bit US-centric, but still very relevant, I think. If you've never really given much thought as to what you think about certain issues and where you stand ideologically, take the test (won't take long) and who knows, you might be surprised with the result!


jada said...

not sure how accurate this is! tried this on a friend who is apprently right-winged and authoritarian, but she registered as a leftist and kinda in the middle on authoritarianism and libertarianism :|

the only living boy in new york said...

lol Ad, that's exactly the point of the survey!

The analysis can only reflect the answers from the test. So, one might think that one is *whatever*, but one's answers to the qns might not actually match that.

The point is you might not actually be what you *think* you are, esp. since these labels are often so muddled.